Archives for March 2013

Sweet Potatoes Smoothie Recipe

Do kids need special smoothie recipes? Not necessarily; but if you make them fun and colorful, they are more likely to drink them :)! Yesterday Sprout was running a fever, so she refused any solids (including smoothies) and would only nurse. Today she was feeling much better, but still only wanted Mommy's milk... until I whipped up this amazing fruit smoothie, and then her … [Read more...]

Sprout Loves Sweet Potatoes and Smoothies | Delicious Healthy Sugar Free Recipes for Your Child

I do not know what you define as baby food. In our household it is NOT what you will find in stores--brown mixtures stored in tiny jars!  Not at all! In our household baby food is anything that is healthy, vibrant, and mostly raw. In our household it is EVERYTHING, :) which makes feeding Sprout easy and fun. We do avoid salt in her foods altogether, but outside of that, if … [Read more...]