Archives for May 2016

Homemade Low Fat Whole Wheat Tortilla Recipe

I L O V E breads! Different kinds, but especially homemade, whole wheat, artisan, put-all-your-love-into-it kind. I honestly could come up with one hundred ways to consume bread. Daily.  But, I l know I shouldn't, so I don't. Let's be honest--too much of a good thing can be just too much! Not only eating too much bread can add to your hip line, but consuming too much … [Read more...]

Oven Roasted Vegan Sausage and Potatoes

"Are you done yet? Are you done yet?" Hubby was like a toddler on a long road trip. Only it was not the boredom or the distance that drove him to impatience and me to insanity.  In his case, the culprit was the lip-smacking, finger-licking dinner I made and was photographing, so I could share it with you. He was driving me crazy!  "One more minute, dear," I kept calming … [Read more...]

Better Than Best Loaded Vegan Nachos

Have you ever taken a bite of something that tasted so good that you immediately knew you were in trouble, because you couldn't stop at just one serving? Fortunately for my family, and unfortunately for me, I created that kind of food a couple of weeks ago...just because I had nothing else to do. See, when I get bored in the kitchen, or don't know what to make for … [Read more...]

Cranberry Broccoli Salad with Pine Nuts

Another beautiful week is here, love! And I have another delicious, nutrient packed, waist slimming, taste bud teasing recipe for you--a Cranberry Broccoli Salad with Pine Nuts that takes only 15 minutes to make. When I first made this salad and tasted it, I thought I was in a parallel universe.  See, I don't really like raw broccoli.  While I can eat cabbage nonstop in … [Read more...]

15 Minute Fat Free Couscous Recipe

You're on the way home after a long day at work. You're tired. All you want to do is get home, kick off your shoes, grab a cup of your favorite tea, stretch your legs out and go brain dead...for at least a few minutes. Then the panic sets in--you've got nothing to eat! You've got nothing healthy to feed your family.  Now you're feeling terrible, yet, you're so tired that … [Read more...]